If you want to make sure you are replacing the right color, use the Sample tool to identify the color on the color picker toolbar.If you are working on an image with yellow text and you want to change the yellow text, use your cursor to left click the yellow text. Choose the color you want to replace on the color picker toolbar.There should also be an Edit Color option on the far right side of the toolbar.There should be a block of color labeled Color 1 and a block of color labeled Color 2. This is a row of colors on the top toolbar.

Use Ctrl-Shift-V (or select Paste from the Edit drop down) to paste the image into the new document.

Personally, I am happy to see the classic Paint app bundled with Windows 10. It looks like Microsoft has eventually figured out using the collected Telemetry data that only a small number of users actually use Paint 3D instead of the classic Paint app. It'll remain included in Windows 10 for now. Starting in Windows 10 Insider Preview build 18334 Microsoft has silently removed the Product Alert notice. Classic Paint always loaded much faster, and had a more usable and friendlier user interface with superior mouse and keyboard usability. They were not ready to exchange the good old mspaint.exe with a completely different Store app because the old Paint has its own advantages and Paint 3D does not surpass it in every way. Many people were not happy with this move from Microsoft. The app has tools to transform 2D drawings into 3D objects.

It comes with tools like markers, brushes, various art tools to help users create objects. Paint 3D is the new Universal Windows Platform app and its user interface is completely different from Classic Paint.